Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Need a Dreamweaver for PC

I have been watching the poll on the site and you overwhelmingly prefer the old website. Perhaps someone out there can help. I use MS Frontpage because that's all I had. I don't care for the program but it got the job done. Right now MS Frontpage and my host are not working together, some crap about MS SharePoint services not being installed on my server.

If anyone has a Dreamweaver or an alternative to this MS crap that they could sell to me cheap I'll put the old site back up. I don't need the latest and greatest version either, just something that is easy to use and good enough to put the site as it was back up. I make no money off this site and I can't see spending $300+ for software. I can also trade advertising if you want.

I am also looking on Ebay for Dreamweaver programs. It may take a while but I'll get things back to where they were one way or another.

Thank you for your support over the years.

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